All Divisions at Groundbreaking Event

Head-Royce School Impact Report 2022—23

A Message from the Head of School and Board Chair

Dear Head-Royce Community,

There is so much for us to be grateful for. 

回顾过去的一年,有一件事是4001百老汇会员登录最感激的:你们. 4001百老汇会员登录是4001百老汇会员登录最大的力量,也是你投入时间所产生的影响, talent, and treasure demonstrate resoundingly how much you care. 海德罗伊斯大学慈善事业的基础使4001百老汇会员登录能够为学生提供无与伦比的体验, break ground on the South Campus, and put Head-Royce in a position of financial strength. During the last school year, 近100万美元的善款是通过近100万美元的善款筹集到的,100 community members. What incredible generosity—thank you!

In your honor, 4001百老汇会员登录将这份年度报告更名为《4001百老汇会员登录》,因为您的慷慨对4001百老汇会员登录的学生产生了深远的影响. 你会注意到,4001百老汇会员登录增加了一个部分来庆祝4001百老汇会员登录的志愿者——今年有450多名志愿者——他们通过分享他们的时间创造了这么多快乐的机会. From grade level coordinators to field trip drivers, from annual fund volunteers to board members, Head-Royce is the school that it is because of your many dedicated hours.

As we kick off the new year, 4001百老汇会员登录希望你知道你对4001百老汇会员登录有多重要,你对4001百老汇会员登录学校有多大的影响, our community, and our students.

With our deepest gratitude,

Rachel E. Skiffer Headshot
Rachel E. Skiffer Signature
Rachel E. Skiffer
Head of School
Peter Smith Headshot
Peter Smith Signature
Peter Smith '78
 Board Chair




Your Impact in Action


“As grandparents, 我相信4001百老汇会员登录最关心的是4001百老汇会员登录孙辈的幸福——正因为如此,我非常感激我的孙辈能有幸进入海德罗伊斯就读. It is such a happy, joyful place. At the 5th grade promotion, 我喜欢老师们花时间对每个学生说一些独特而积极的事情. 这表明教师欣赏每个学生的长处和个性. 我相信没有什么比好的教育更好的遗产了,没有什么地方比海德罗伊斯学校更适合我的孙子了.”

— Mary Vann, Grandparent of Kiran ’28 and Kai ’31


“我在海德罗伊斯的时光培养了我对社区参与的终身意识和热爱. There was always such an unexpected satisfaction with every outing. The program now called “Rebuilding Together Oakland,这句话成为我最喜欢的一句话,因为它在一天内所产生的转变,直接体现了一次志愿活动的影响. At a recent Head-Royce reunion, 校友们被邀请与在校学生一起挽起袖子,支持“共同重建奥克兰”, and I found myself transported back to where it first began. Since then, 我参加了CCE每年的周末重建项目, 我很高兴能加入这个社区,为奥克兰的居民带来改变.”

— Sarah Louie ’03


“Following a joyful reconnection at our 45th reunion, 1975届的毕业生在南校区的“构建4001百老汇会员登录的未来”活动中聚集在一起,开始了一场小型活动,以纪念4001百老汇会员登录曾经敬爱的老师和导师——包括乔治亚娜·阿贝尔, Ann Bateman, Damon Bradley, Beverly Edmonds, Sue Eggling, June Kroll, David Leinbach, Jean Lemmon, Ferne McCuen, Virginia Steele, Louise (Bunny) Stevens, and Tom Welsh. We have grown to become who we are today because of their passion, generosity, dedication, loyalty, patience, and friendship. 4001百老汇会员登录班的南校区筹款项目是一次合作之旅——交换回忆, thoughts, creative concepts, conversations, reminiscences, and certainly some good laughter! 能够帮助海德-罗伊斯开启一个充满希望的新时代是值得的.”

— Head-Royce Class of ’75 Fundraising Committee: Betsy Armour, Cheryl Harrison, Brett Holliday, Laurie Anderson Smith, and Wally Smith


“我来自一个不仅重视教育而且积极参与社区活动的家庭. 在海德罗伊斯做志愿者给我带来了快乐,因为我可以亲眼看到4001百老汇会员登录的孩子是多么幸运. They are learning so much more than I did as a student, while also having fun and feeling loved and supported. By being present on campus, 我想让我的孩子明白,上学很重要,值得花时间和精力. Teachers, administrators, and staff have so much on their plates, and I hope that when we volunteer, they can focus on what they do best. 我很幸运有时间和机会回馈这样一个美好的社区.”

— Sarah Boolani ’99


“海德罗伊斯通过我所有优秀老师的指导和指导培养了我的智力追求. In particular, 历史系和辩论项目激励我在复杂而充满挑战的政治和法律世界中追求未来.”

— Samir E. ’24


“芭芭拉·琼·诺沃格拉迪克是一个非凡的人,她以深刻的智慧、机智和幽默而被人们铭记. She was a powerful force, providing comfort and guidance to family and friends. 可悲的是,芭芭拉与胰腺癌的勇敢斗争在2022年结束了. Her legacy lives on, however, 她热情地为有学习差异的学生和他们的家庭辩护. In honor of Barbara's memory, 诺沃格拉迪家族于2023年设立了一项礼物,以支持海德罗伊斯学校学习差异的学生. 这笔慷慨的捐款确保了对学习差异学生的资助增加, perpetuating Barbara's commitment to making a difference in students’ lives.”

— Excerpted from the summer 2023 issue of the HRS Magazine




Your Impact by the Numbers


Support Icon


number of donors


Dollars Raised Icon


dollars raised


Volunteers Icon


number of volunteers


Stopwatch Icon


volunteered hours


Support Specialists Burgundy Icon


student support specialists'
hours per school year


Laptop Green Icon


middle schoolers received
chromebooks for school use



Financial Year in Review


Total Giving by Area
$ 4,728,019

Total Giving by Constituency
$ 4,728,019



Total Operating Revenue
$ 45,490,886

Total Operating Expenses
$ 43,721,232





2023 Parents' Association Fundraiser


Philanthropic Appreciation


4001百老汇会员登录非常感谢每一位热心支持海德罗伊斯学校的社区成员. 每一个独特的贡献都在4001百老汇会员登录的遗产和成功的综合影响中发挥着重要作用.


All Donors

From the bottom of our hearts, 4001百老汇会员登录感谢那些重视海德罗伊斯教育的社区成员,他们多年来一直优先向学校捐款. 以下列表反映了长期以来向学校捐款的人的捐款情况.

50+ Years

20–49 Years

10–19 Years

5–9 Years

2–4 Years

First time donors



今年有460人慷慨地奉献了他们的时间来支持海德罗伊斯社区. We are grateful to have such dedicated and passionate partners—parents, guardians, past parents, trustees, and alumni—helping us serve our students. Special thanks to this list of volunteers who helped with school events, admissions tours, fundraising efforts, and so much more. 4001百老汇会员登录看到了你们,4001百老汇会员登录感谢你们用每一小时的时间对4001百老汇会员登录学校产生的影响!



Giving by Constituency

Our vibrant community is made up of current and past parents, students, employees, trustees, and grandfriends, with additional support from corporate donations, foundations, and matching gifts. 4001百老汇会员登录感谢每个人的慷慨——主要是无限制的——总共超过4美元的支持.7 million last year. Please click on the links below for giving list roll calls by constituent.

Current Parents


Professional Community

Current and Past Trustees

Grandparents, Past Parents, Past Professional Community, and Friends

Companies, Foundations, and Matching Gifts


Special Giving

Endowment and Special Campaigns

4001百老汇会员登录的捐赠和特别活动的捐款尤其有意义,因为它们确保了4001百老汇会员登录有强大的财政基础, in perpetuity. Additionally, 每年4001百老汇会员登录都会收到海德罗伊斯计划和特别倡议的有限礼品, allowing for incredible innovation for the School.

Endowment and Special Campaign Gifts


Heads Up

As a school both in and of Oakland, Heads Up is a critical program that we have cultivated and grown since 1987. 去年,4001百老汇会员登录捐款超过18.4万美元,是前一年的两倍. Thank you to the many new and longtime contributors to this important program.

Heads Up Gifts


In Honor and Memoriam

4001百老汇会员登录感谢那些认识或纪念海德罗伊斯社区同学的捐助者, teachers, friends and loved ones— with special gifts to the school.

In Honor and Memoriam Gifts


Anna and Josiah Society


Anna and Josiah Society Gifts